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What is trauma?
The most simple explanation is best described by Lindemann as "the sudden, uncontrollable, disruption of affiliative bonds". This covers a broad range of events such as the death of a loved one, abuse and neglect, war, being a victim of crime and anything else that disrupts your sense of safety and stability. Trauma can be one single event, or can be ongoing and sustained exposure - such as abuse and neglect in the home, or domestic violence.
It has now been proven that trauma impacts us at a biological level and changes our genetics. As such, trauma can be carried from generation to generation as we have often seen in families who have a history of escaping genocide or war, and families who have experienced addiction.
Deciding if you need help.
If you’re considering asking for help, it’s important for you to remember that this in no way makes you weak. People process events, losses and grief very differently. Many factors contribute to person being able to “handle” the stress associated to an event, loss or adversity. The complexity of this can relate to a person’s previous losses, and any other predispositions they may have, including mental health, upbringing, cultural diversity, and spiritual belief systems.
Deciding to get help is brave. Many people say that getting help was triggered because of general sadness, but we have put together a small list of symptoms you may have that specialists believe are a sign that you may need professional help and support:
• A change in sleeping patterns
• Significant change in circumstance
• Noticing unusual conflict in significant relationships
• The increased use of alcohol or drugs to ‘cope’
• Not attending to or avoiding everyday matters
• Not eating or eating too much
• Mood swings- anger, sadness, uncontrollable crying
• Flash backs
• Consistent nightmares
• Unusual communication breakdown
• Not feeling you can leave the house or bed
Our team is dedicated to ensuring you have the right type of care for your individual journey, so please call us so we can help you decide ‘where to’
from here.
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Out of The Well - By Lisa Eskinazi
A great resource for professionals working with students. Lisa's book talks about her experience of school bullying and the impacts it had on her life.
School yard bullying has effected her mental health and quality of life. Lisa was the first person to sue the Department of Education and win.
Lisa hopes to educate the community about dire impacts bullying has on a person, through her writing.
Warning - This book may adversely effect victims of bullying. The book is very confronting and to be used as an educational tool.